中国开发网: 论坛: 程序员情感CBD: 贴子 362104
Database Generation
Generation: Check model starting...
Generation: Check model successful.
Sorting objects...
Sort completed.
Script Generation...
Dropping Tables...
-> Table: 出租 (001)
Creating Tables...
-> Table: 出租 (001)
Script Generation completed
*** Executing statement 1:

*** Statement successfully executed.

*** Executing statement 2:
if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('001')
and type = 'U')
drop table 001

*** Execution of statement failed:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]未能准备语句。
SQLSTATE = 37000

*** Executing statement 3:
create table 001 (
商品ID bigint not null,
日期 datetime not null,
会员ID bigint null,
押金 money null,
租金 money not null,
constraint PK_001 primary key (商品ID)

*** Statement successfully executed.

*** Executing statement 4:

*** Statement successfully executed.

*** Executing statement 5:
if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('001')
and type = 'U')
drop table 001

*** Execution of statement failed:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]未能准备语句。
SQLSTATE = 37000

*** Executing statement 6:
create table 001 (
商品ID bigint not null,
日期 datetime not null,
会员ID bigint null,
押金 money null,
租金 money not null,
constraint PK_001 primary key (商品ID)

*** Execution of statement failed:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]未能准备语句。
SQLSTATE = 37000

Generation partially completed:
3 errors for 6 statements executed


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