中国开发网: 论坛: Delphi/BCB: 贴子 48753
dreamboy: 各位好,好久没来了,有深圳的兄弟想在家工作吗?贴个招聘启事

I would like to come to China from Wed Dec 1, (arriving in China, Friday Dec 3) and return back to Canada on Wed Dec 15.

My plan is to interview programmers.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you can find some programmers for me to meet and talk to.

The programmers must :
- know Delphi fairly well.
- Can read/write and speak English (if the speaking is not so good this is ok)
- preferable someone you know and that I can trust. If you cannot find such a person then I will take a chance with anybody.
- get resumes from them.
- Can work at home. Has internet connect (high speed) and a fast computer.
- Good personality that you can get along with and help train.

各位有意的给小弟发个简历过来,有英文的更好。小弟挑合适的推荐,其他问题和老板当面谈。 我的邮箱 :



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