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今日阅读:Scrum and XP From the Trenches Online(1)
You are about to start using Scrum in your organization. Or perhaps
you’ve been using Scrum for a few months. You’ve got the basics, you’ve read the books, maybe you’ve even taken your Scrum Master
certification. Congratulations!
But yet you feel confused.
In Ken Schwaber’s words, Scrum is not a methodology, it is a framework.
What that means is that Scrum is not really going to tell you exactly what to do. Darn.
The good news is I am going to tell you exactly how I do Scrum, in
painful excruciating detail. The bad news is, well, that this is only how I do Scrum. That doesn’t mean you should do it exactly the same way. In fact, I may well do it in a different way if I encounter a different situation.
把人当成猪羊圈养,草料永远都不够!把人当人待,人有无限的创造力! “人口减少一半,人们两倍富有”的观念为“一种非常糟糕的自甘堕落—这背后的潜台词是,似乎中国人是封闭围栏中的动物,对周围那些自己赖以生存的资源,除了咀嚼,别无办法。”



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