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pcplayer: 查到另外一个帖子,说 WIN 2003 在某个程序需要随机端口的时候,可能会把某个服务的端口占用掉。因此要在注册表里设置端口保留

How to Reserve Port 3050 for InterBase in Windows 2003 Server

This is a translation of José Luis Rocha’s article Cómo reservar el puerto 3050 para InterBase en Windows 2003 Server, originally published in Spanish (obviously). I’m posting my translation here with his permission.

If you have experienced applications such as Microsoft Small Business Server grabbing ports reserved for other applications, you might want to try the steps below.
The Problem

InterBase uses TCP/IP port 3050, and this is registered with IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).

But Windows 2003 Server can assign this port when a program or a process requests to open random port number. I have not verified it, but I doubt a lot that this "problem" occurs with Microsoft programs or services.

In this article we will see how to reserve this port, so that InterBase alone can use it.
The Solution

1. Run the Registry Editor. (Start->Run…, type regedit, and press "OK."
2. Locate this key:


3. In the Edit menu, select "New," and click "Multi-String Value".
4. Click the right mouse button on the new value, select "Rename", type ReservedPorts, press Enter.
5. Double click on ReservedPorts and type the list of ports to reserve, then press "OK".

The list of ports should be established in the following format:


To specify just port 3050, use the same value for x and and y:


6. Press OK
7. Close the Registry Editor


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