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pcplayer: 查了一下,好象是这几个
The GetFileVersionInfo function returns version information about a specified file.

As with other file installation functions, GetFileVersionInfo works only with Win32 file images. It does not work with 16-bit Windows file images.

BOOL GetFileVersionInfo(

LPTSTR lptstrFilename, // pointer to filename string
DWORD dwHandle, // ignored
DWORD dwLen, // size of buffer
LPVOID lpData // pointer to buffer to receive file-version info.

The GetFileVersionInfoSize function determines whether the operating system can obtain version information about a specified file. If version information is available, GetFileVersionInfoSize returns the size in bytes of that information.

As with other file installation functions, GetFileVersionInfo works only with Win32 file images. It does not work with 16-bit Windows file images.

DWORD GetFileVersionInfoSize(

LPTSTR lptstrFilename, // pointer to filename string
LPDWORD lpdwHandle // pointer to variable to receive zero
The VS_VERSION_INFO structure depicts the organization of data in a file-version resource. This structure is not a true C-language structure because it contains variable-length members. This structure was created solely to depict the organization of data in a version resource and does not appear in any of the header files shipped with the Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit (SDK).

WORD wLength;
WORD wValueLength;
WORD wType;
WCHAR szKey[];
WORD Padding1[];
WORD Padding2[];
WORD Children[];
The VerQueryValue function returns selected version information from the specified version-information resource. To retrieve the appropriate resource, the GetFileVersionInfo function must be called before VerQueryValue.

As with the other file installation functions, VerQueryValue will only work with Win32 file images. 16-bit Windows file images are not supported.

BOOL VerQueryValue(

const LPVOID pBlock, // address of buffer for version resource
LPTSTR lpSubBlock, // address of value to retrieve
LPVOID *lplpBuffer, // address of buffer for version pointer
PUINT puLen // address of version-value length buffer


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