中国开发网: 论坛: 程序员情感CBD: 贴子 157326
众多0DAY Group落马

The investigations targeted "release groups," the original sources of pirated works that can be distributed worldwide in hours. Among the warez groups targeted are RiSCISO, Myth, TDA, LND, Goodfellaz, Hoodlum, Vengeance, Centropy, Wasted Time, Paranoid, Corrupt, Gamerz, AdmitONE, Hellbound, KGS, BBX, KHG, NOX, NFR, CDZ, TUN and BHP.

Those groups are believed responsible for stealing and distributing copyrighted works, including Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Autodesk's Autocad 2006 and Adobe's Photoshop software.


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