中国开发网: 论坛: 程序员情感CBD: 贴子 305947
Firstly, I want to apologize for my fault.Last friday I wrongly deleted our build scripts and some other system files of build machine aaaa, and I tried to recover them, but faied. So for the time being, we can't build bbbb using this machine's build env.
Secondly, I want to know what your prior requirements are for the bbbb build, I will do that firstly and then I will make a recovery plan to restore our build env step by step.
At last, think back my fault, if I can do anyone of below: 1) echo the directory you want to delete,to check if there is a space in directory 2) backup your code every day 3) do not use root user to operate your important env. I can avoid this situation, that's my lesson.
Cause of my stupid fault, to make you work inconvenient, I apologize deeply again.
民主不同于专制,不需要强加于人。--- 賴斯



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