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ElementTree是python的XML解析模块,cElementTree是ElementTree的C语言实现。Python 2.5的标准库已经包含了ElementTree和cElementTree。


Here are some benchmark figures, using a number of popular XML toolkits to parse a 3405k document-style XML file, from disk to memory:
library time space notes
xml.dom.minidom (Python 2.1) 6.3 s 80000k (1)
gnosis.objectify 2.0 s 22000k (5)
xml.dom.minidom (Python 2.4) 1.4 s 53000k (1)
ElementTree 1.2 1.6 s 14500k
ElementTree 1.2.4/1.3 1.1 s 14500k
cDomlette (C extension) 0.540 s 20500k (1)
PyRXPU (C extension) 0.175 s 10850k (2)
lxml.etree (C extension) (4) (4) (3)
libxml2 (C extension) 0.098 s 16000k (3)
readlines (read as utf-8) 0.093 s 8850k
cElementTree (C extension) 0.047 s 4900k
readlines (read as ascii) 0.032 s 5050k

library time throughput
xml.sax (Python 2.1) 0.330 s 10300 k/s
xml.sax (Python 2.4) 0.292 s 11700 k/s
xml.parsers.expat 0.184 s 18500 k/s
cElementTree XMLParser 0.124 s 27500 k/s
sgmlop 0.092 s 37000 k/s
cElementTree iterparse 0.071 s 48000 k/s


Operation Result
elem[n] Returns n'th child element.
elem[m:n] Returns list of m'th through n'th child elements.
len(elem) Returns number of child elements.
list(elem) Returns list of child elements.
elem.append(elem2) Adds elem2 as a child.
elem.insert(index, elem2) Inserts elem2 at the specified location.
del elem[n] Deletes n'th child element.
elem.keys() Returns list of attribute names.
elem.get(name) Returns value of attribute name.
elem.set(name, value) Sets new value for attribute name.
elem.attrib Retrieves the dictionary containing attributes.
del elem.attrib[name] Deletes attribute name.


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