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Shenzhen Worker Commits Suicide over Missing iPhone Prototype - Foxconn Investigating, Apple Comments
from The iPhone Blog by Rene Ritchie

As has been widely covered on the net, Foxconn worker Sun Danyong of Shenzhen, responsible for 16 fourth-generation iPhone prototypes, committed suicide on July 16, after reporting one of the prototypes missing three days earlier.

Foxconn is the Taiwanese company that has long manufactured Apple iPods and the iPhone. Colleagues informed the Chinese media that Sun notified them over internet chat that he was confined, abused during interrogation, and had his property searched. Foxconn chief of security, Gu Qinming, who refutes the allegations, has been suspended.

Apple released the following statement to CNet:

“We are saddened by the tragic loss of this young employee, and we are awaiting results of the investigations into his death. We require our suppliers to treat all workers with dignity and respect.”
若你在年轻时上过水木, 它会一生跟随着你, 如一场浮动的盛宴



人要是没有理想, 跟咸鱼有什么两样?




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