中国开发网: 论坛: 程序员情感CBD: 贴子 836752
I have a ton of trouble falling asleep on most nights. This app really does help me fall asleep fast, but gives me the weirdest most vivid dreams. Last night I dreampt that Spetember 11th happened again except this time to the freedom tower. The night before I also had crazy dreams. The good part about this is that vivid dreams come in RIM sleep, that "deep sleep" they claim this app will give you. On the other hand, my dreams were so intense that I would wake up from them. Also, there was a noticeable ringing in my ears. Going back to sleep was not a problem, however. I would give this app a try, even though it is five dollars. A bottle of sleep aids will run you more than that and last a month, however this app will last a lifetime. Just hope that the dreams this app will give you won't wake you up and that the waves it sends into your ears aren't harmful.


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